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Class 4C Pictures & Videos

Creating awareness about energy conservation 

As part of the action plan, some of our students went to various grade levels across school to create awareness about the need to conserve energy and the ways to do it.  Our students have also made posters (using MS Publisher) about energy conservation and these posters have been displayed across our school. 

Presenting to Grade 2 students  

Presenting to Grades 9-10 students 
Presenting to Grades 9-10 students 

Presenting to Grade 5 students 

Presenting to Grade 5 students 

Science Fair

Congratulations 4C students on your fantastic presentation. We are very proud of the way you explained about energy and the way you conducted the experiments. 
Thank you parents for being our constant supporters. 

Literary Week Celebrations 2015-2016

PJs Day

4C in their PJs- day to relax and chill 

Who is cuter- us or our stuff toys? 

What a day!! So comfy in my PJs and in this warm jacket. Ain't the stuff toy cute? 

On the spot story telling competition

Grade 4 had organised a 'on the spot story telling competition' for our students. Each class was divided into two groups. Each group was given a popular story to modify and present. the students were given 50 mins to prepare the presentation. The two stories used for the competition were ' the three little pigs' and 'the boy who cried wolf'. 
Ms. Richel and Ms. Donna were our esteemed judges and they were highly impressed with the creativity of our students, especially given the time and resources constraint 

3rd Runners-up

Literary Costume Parade

Winners of Grade 4. Thanks to our judges: Ms. Ratu, Ms Maria Fe and Ms. Yaya 

Check out these cute dresses made from plastic bags and newspaper cuttings. Hast off to your creativity.

Excited, nervous, shy,...so many emotions while waiting for the parade to begin.

4C- the COOLEST 'C'

4C's Summative Task-Mini Museum

On December 3, 4C students shared their knowledge about the Indus Valley Civilization  

Daily Routines

Education and script

Transportation and the Burial System

Government and Religion

Art and Architecture


Field Trip to National Museum 

On November 12, Grade 4 visited the National Museum.

Beginning of our tour with Ka Tisti

Cave men

Wooden Globe

Wooden weighing scale used for calculating tax owed to the King

Drum used to evoke rain

The back of a King's throne

Map of Indonesia

Placement of instruments during a musical ensemble

Lord Ganesha- God of good luck and wisdom

Our most diligent students ;-) ( writing their reflection while their friends are playing)




Field trip to Ceramic Museum

On October 22, Grade 4 visited the Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics. The visit was a fruitful one as our students learned about the different ceramicists and painters of our country. Students were also able to see examples of different types of ceramics like stoneware, earthenware, porcelain, pottery,etc.    

Welcome to Museum of Fine Arts and Ceramics

Ceramic pot from China (Ming Dynasty)

Understanding how a potter's wheel works

Trying our hand on the potter's wheel

Everyday is a Holiday ;-)

Ladder to Heaven

Selamat Datang

Guest Speaker- Mr. Bernard Kerr

Mr. Bernard Kerr, BINUS's MYP Coordinator is also an accomplished ceramicist. He has been working with clay and creating masterpieces since a very young age. Over the years, he has the credit of holding various solo and group exhibitions. 
Today, he came as our guest speaker and shared this medium of art (ceramics) with our students. Our students not only learned about the process involved in making ceramics but also ablout different types of clay, different techniques used around the world,etc.
Today's informative session ended with questions from our students which were patiently answered by Mr. Bernard. 
You can visit his website:

These are the pieces inside the kiln

listening intently to the presentation

This is how the pots get a shiny glaze

A beautiful bowl

One of Mr. Bernard's exhibitions

Mr. Bernard is explaining how a kiln works (a wood fire)kiln is in the backdrop


Batik Day

We celebrated the National Batik Day by proudly turning up in myraid colours of Batik. 

Types of Arts

Students worked in groups to define their chosen Art. They also researched about the various categories under their type of Art. The groups also shared with the class, some famous artists and their art works. 

Literary Arts

Performing Arts

Visual Arts

Gallery Walk through MS-HS Arts Department

Today, 4C students visited the MS-HS Arts Department to study and learn more about various art forms. Mr. Patrick Carbonell - Head of MS-HS Arts Dept. took our students around the gallery and explained the various art works.

Community Health Fair

Dear Parents, 
Thank you for supporting and guiding us though our learning about healthy lifestyle. Your presence in the 'Community Health Fair' motivated us and your feedback will help us improve.  
We hope that even after the end of this UOI 'Who We Are', our students will continue to follow a healthier lifestyle and plan their meals better. And this is possible only with your help. 


Ready to learn about healthy lifestyle?

Did you know that our heart has four chambers? We know and we are ready to share with you :-)

Save your lungs- don't smoke and reduce pollution

We now know how our brain works.

Thank you Ms. Jun for visiting us

Grade 5 students learning about healthy lifestylw

Thank you Ms. Kavita for letting us share our understanding with you.

Sharing our learning with Grade 3

This is how our nervous system works

Learning about diseases of circulating system

ooo. that's a difficult question

This is how our sensory and motor nerves work

Just before our dance performance. Are we nervous? Are we excited? yes! yes! yes!

Fresh fruits and veggies- gorge on these as much as you want.

Excited parents knowing more about our brain

This is how our neurons work

Thank you moms for encouraging us

Parents are here to encourage and motivate us. yeah!!!

Moms' quizzing us.. I hope we have the answers ;-)

Learn about your respiratory system and keep it healthy

Proud parents and kids after the Health Fair and off course beaming Ms. Priyanka :-))

Dr. Nicholas ;-)

Planning a healthy meal
Still wondering how to include fruits in the diet....

Meal planning is so difficult...I don't like veggies ;-)

Yeah, we are nearly done :-)

We just need to compute the calories now...phew..

Its a tough job to plan a healthy diet...We wonder, how do our mothers do it 

We love fruits and veggies..yeah...

We forgot to include enough fruits..oh

Learning Factors or Playing a Game???

Formative Task Presentation - Body Systems

Guest Speaker- BINUS School Doctors 

On 26th August, we had invited our school doctors to share information about living a healthy lifestyle and how to keep our body systems healthy.
Feeling the pulse to calculate heart beat

This is the way our lungs work

Working of lungs

Learning about reflex action

Reflex action

Reflex action

Ready to learn more about our bodies

Independence Day Celebrations

To keep the independence spirit alive and to foster love for our country in our children, BINUS School Simprug celebrated Indonesia's 70th Independence Day with lots of gusto. For the 1st time, the whole school came together to attend the flag hoisting ceremony on the 18th Of August 2015.  This was followed by Indonesian traditional games on 19th of August. Our students participated in various games like the sack race, putting nail in a bottle and eating traditional Indonesian food.

During the flag hoisting ceremony

Waiting for the flag hoisting ceremony

Food eating competition

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Getting ready for the sack race

Nail in the bottle- required lots of team work and coordination


Presentation about Nervous System 

Concept Map about Brain

A to Z about Nervous System

Diagram of Nervous System

Diagram of Brain- parts and functions of each part

On Thursday 13th August, we had a guest speaker sharing his own experiences about healthy living. Rumario, BINUS Grade 11 student shared his own struggle, the journey and final accomplishment of being obese (when he was in his early teens) and now having a healthy weight. The session was extremely informative and engaging for our students as they were able to ask questions to him about his lifestyle, the choices that he made and continues to make in terms of eating healthy.  


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